Profitable Brands – Top Figure

Profitable Brands – Top Figure


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What’s Included in The Program!


Welcome To Profitable Brands

Private Facebook Group of Brand Owners

Section 1: The Foundation

Things We Wish We Knew ing Out

Secrets of Selling Online

The Compound Effect

How Mindset is Important to Your Success in Ecommerce

The Learning Dip

Intro to Ecommerce (General Store or Niche Store)

What Makes A Winner Product

How to Find Winning Products (Part 1)

How to Find Winning Products (Part 2)

About Us Page Strategy (NEW)*

Ali Shark Product Research

Dropshipping Center Product Research (Finding Hidden Jems)

Section 2: Setting Up Your Brand

Color Psychology in Your Brand

Choosing A Good Business Name & Designing Your Logo

Setting Up Your Shopify Store

Adding A Product to Your Store

Step-by-Step Designing Your Store

Brand Aesthetics (NEW)*

How to Set Prices For Your Products

Loox Reviews

The Importance of Customer Service

How to Find Influencers For Your Brand

Turning Customers Into Influencers (NEW)*

Should You Use Paypal?

How to Setup Stripe Payments

How to Fulfill Orders When You Get Sales

How to Increase Store Conversions

Unboxing Experience (NEW)*

All The Shopify Apps We Use (NEW)*

Leveraging The Power of Upsells to Increase Conversions

Q&A Interview w/ Influencer Sumaya Keynan 100k+ Followers

Build To Sell (NEW)*

Obtaining Funding & Credit (NEW)*

Section 3: Launching Facebook Ads

Understanding Facebook Advertising: Why Is Social Media FREE to Use?

Creating Your Facebook Ad Account

How Facebook Ads Works & Budget

Good Ad vs Bad Ad

Ad Testing Strategy (Updated)

Setting Up Facebook Ads Part 1: Setting Interests/Age/Demographic

Setting Up Facebook Ads Part 2: Adding Video Copy

Creating The Perfect Thumbnail

How to Make Custom Ad Videos

Creating Custom Ad Creative Videos (NEW)*

Break Even Point (BEP)

How to Stay Profitable

Setting Up & Reading Your Facebook Data Columns

What is CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization) & When to Use It

Custom Audiences & Lookalikes

Managing Negative Comments (Ad & Page Moderation)

Scaling Part #1

Duplicating & Doubling Adsets Scaling #2 (Increasing Budgets

Avoiding Ad Fatigue

Ad Retargeting

0-$50,000 Case Study in 30 Days



Bad Keywords To Moderate For Your Page & Ads

Shopify Store Launch Checklist

21X ROAS Case Study Depesh Mandalia

Books We Recommend Reading

Dropshipping Center Link

Contact Us, FAQ, and Returns Pages

Shipping & Customs Template

Guide to Facebook Ad Targeting

Facebook Ad Copy Policy

ePacket Countries List

TikTok Viral Hooks

Sales Page:_


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