[HOT] Kendall SummerHawk’s – Money Breakthrough Method Certified Coach Training
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Join me in this online coach certification training program and you can add an additional stream of clients, income and profit to your business, starting now… and all done-for-you!
Right now, there is unprecedented demand for you as a coach, consultant, trainer, therapist or practitioner to include money coaching in your business so you can confidently and easily help your new and current clients demystify how to break free of their “glass money ceiling” so they earn more, keep more and finally own their worth.
Is This You?
You are a coach, consultant, author, speaker, therapist, practitioner, specialist or change agent who loves personal growth with a practical edge
You want done-for-you, content you can use to attract new coaching clients now, whether you’re already a coach or are starting a new coaching business
You want to add a BRAND NEW, profitable, in-demand income stream to your business (one that clients are excited to hire you for)
You want done-for-you content you can use to fill your programs, teleseminars, workshops, trainings and more
You to create a name for yourself as a specialist in one of the fastest growing niches
You LOVE saving time by getting a proven, step by step “mini business in a box” program that is done-for-you, easy to market and includes a ready-made toolkit full of money exercises, checklists, templates, visualization scripts, pre-written web copy, coaching forms, marketing training and more to help you grow and expand your business
You are excited at the prospect of filling your workshops, courses and programs — both live and virtual — with ideal clients who are happy to pay for what you can teach them on this always-popular topic
You are MORE than ready to resolve and heal your OWN money challenges of blame, shame, under-charging, guilt, debt and more — once and for all
You hear how money is today’s “it” factor to coach on and you don’t want to be left out of deeply serving your clients on this powerful topic
You want to grow your list quickly and easily, with ideal potential clients and love the idea of a marketing tool that will help you accomplish this goal
You want a proven, step-by-step method to learn how to deeply serve your clients on this powerful topic and transform their hidden beliefs regarding money into joyful action
You love the prestige of getting training directly with Kendall — an award-winning, multimillion dollar coach, recognized as the leading expert in women entrepreneurs and money, and creator of the Money Breakthrough Method® Certified Coach training program
You want to be part of a sisterhood community of big hearted, success-minded women business owners who generously give support, expertise, ideas, marketing help, feedback and more (surrounding yourself with people who hold you accountable is the fastest way to increase your success, income and self-empowerment)
To feel authentic you don’t need to be perfect, all you need is to be ON your path!
One of the FIRST benefits of enrolling today is you’ll immediately begin creating your OWN money breakthroughs, giving you the authenticity and experience to confidently coach others.
We all know it’s easier to coach someone else than it is to coach yourself. So you don’t need to be perfect with money, you don’t need to be making more money than your clients, you don’t need to be a better saver and you don’t have to have all your debt paid off to be amazing at helping clients see their own money blind spots.
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