Kenrick Cleveland & Joe Riggio - Power Language

Kenrick Cleveland & Joe Riggio – Power Language


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Power Language: Breaking & Bending Realities!

We exist because of language.

It creates consciousness.

Consciousness creates reality.

And if we can change our language we can change reality… determining the actions we take and responses we get in the world.

If you have watched the full Hunter’s Gift Live Training…

You know that we just announced a brand new coaching program that will allow you to change your language… your own frame of Reference, from the Farmer to the Hunter…
and then have the skills and strategies for being able to conversationally change others. Our new program…

Is a high-level coaching course that Dr. Joseph Riggio and I will be running together – where you will discover the next evolution of Persuasion and Influence strategies for…

Being able to get inside the mind of your listener, finding out how they construct their reality, and then being able to install a brand new one that matches up with their outcomes or your own.

These are the most powerful persuasion and influence skills I have ever seen and I’m really excited to bring them to you.

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