[Group Buy] David Wilcock – Dannion Brinkley – Elizabeth Wilcock – The Path of Light (Limited)
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Ascension Mystery School presents: The Path of Light with Dannion Brinkley, David Wilcock & Elizabeth Wilcock
A Once in a Lifetime Training to Explore the Nature of Reality, Discover Who You Really Are and Uncover the Prophesies & Pathways to Ascension
An Invitation from Dannion, David and Elizabeth
Dear Seeker of Truth,
We are in the midst of a pivotal time. The future of our planet and humanity appears to be at stake.
Many ancient prophecies have already now come true. It is remarkable to witness how accurate these ancient texts have become.
We can feel quite overwhelmed as we watch ancient prophecies coming true.
This time is being seen by many as a global Dark Night of the Soul. It’s hard to ignore how intensely everyone is feeling. Nor can we overlook that gnawing uncertainty that lingers beneath the veneer of confidence.
We are in uncharted territory. In this sit-down with three gifted and informed souls, we charted a path through the rough-and-tumble wilderness of the current transition in progress.
We steered the course to the subjects that are nearest and dearest to your heart… while making sure that we are doing our best to prepare you for each step of the awakening process!
Dannion Brinkley is the world-renowned author of Saved By the Light, which recounts his staggering near-death experience and subsequent transformation on every level. David Wilcock, well, I don’t think we need to go over all that again. New York Times, Ancient Aliens, blah blah blah. I guess you like him or you wouldn’t be on this list! David’s lovely wife Elizabeth share the Sacred Priestess perspective in segments with Dannion that beautifully dovetail with the overall Path of Light we are exploring together.
In this program, David and Elizabeth sat down with Dannion and talked openly and honestly about the most exciting spiritual information available.
We actively explored the transformation in progress and shared new data that is likely to captivate your imagination and transform your entire perspective… and perhaps even inspire beneficial changes in your lifestyle!
Here is what we cover in the Online 5-week program:
Week 1: NDEs and Ascension Prophesies Decoded
Week 2: Power of the Panoramic Life Review
Week 3: Charting a Conscious Path in the Living Universe
Week 4: The Illuminati and Integrating Our Shadow Side
Week 5: The Rainbow Body and the Boxes of Knowledge
Each week includes classes co-taught by Dannion Brinkley, David Wilcock and Elizabeth Wilcock. When you take the course, you will also get lifetime access…
As you can see, this class is jam-packed with exciting and transformative subjects you are not likely to ever encounter anywhere else. Come and laugh your way into higher consciousness with the whole crew!
Thanks to this series not being on YouTube, we can be far more specific about our opinions… and be more informative about where we really think this situation is going. If you want to get a concise view of the knowledge from the “other side,” and how to apply it to your life today, step right up for this truly far-reaching “Master Class” on Ascension!
The future course we are charting is not at all doom and gloom. It is precisely the opposite! We can “expect the unexpected” and have hours of fun-filled, curiosity-feeding adventures through labyrinths of cosmic thought.
Ascension Mystery School: The Path of Light is an all-new training dedicated to helping you discover the secrets of the other side, explore our true purpose, and embrace the very beginning of the great era of peace and harmony on Earth.
This is a once-in-the-lifetimes opportunity to watch true magic unfold in the mystery of the spoken word as we navigate the glorious rabbit hole of hundreds of animated slides.
This online program is NOW open for enrollment for a limited time and you get instant access to all of the training.
The time is now. We don’t expect to be doing this again. Don’t miss it!
Unlock the Hidden Power of Your ‘Higher Self’
What if you could constantly be in communication with a deep source of wisdom that was connected to all and everything?
What if we told you that there is no real death and that by making peace with it you can find the key to living fully?
How would you operate if you were able to tap into a continual presence of love and belonging.
All of this is possible…and you do not have to go through a near-death experience in order to discover it.
You just need to have the right intention and to turn inward to develop your own direct relationship to your primary teacher.
Your soul has been waiting for this moment for many lifetimes and when you do this everything changes.
Your own evolution quickens.
You start to tap into your own intuition and inner guidance.
You have opened a powerful transformational gateway.
And you massively accelerate your own path of ascension…and by doing so you can then be of higher service to those around you and to humanity.
Going Beyond Fear to Live More Fully: Messages from the Other Side
When a person is in a state of fear or a negative emotion it tends to self-perpetuate.
What most of us fear is the unknown, uncertainty and change. And others use this fear against us for manipulation and control.
So one of the biggest steps we can take is to learn to turn into our fears, to face them and to sit with them. When we do this we start to see that most of them are just programs in our own minds that have no basis in reality.
The fear that underpins all others is that of death. It could be physical death, but it could also be the death of job, a belief, or a way of living within this world.
When you develop a relationship with your higher self, you begin to experience a deep sense of presence and love from other dimensions. And this is when things really begin to change…
You live more inspired and you access a flow of light that shines through you out into the world.
We will be exploring the messages from the other side for humanity and the practices that all the great mystics and ancient mystery societies utilized to accelerate the evolution of the soul inside this unique online training.
Here’s What’s Inside The Path of Light Curriculum
Week 1: The NDE and Ascension
Here is an overview of what is covered in this 3-part module:
Part 1: David on Ascension / Solar Flash Prophecies with David Wilcock.
Hindu Samvartaka Fire and Zoroastrian Frasho-Kereti
Egyptian / Plato’s Timaeus and Critias on Atlantis
Mithraic, Greek, Roman / Stoic
Hebrew, Christian, Muslim
Law of One
2012 or 2030?
Part 2: Connection of Ascension Prophecies to the Near-Death Experience with Dannion Brinkley
Pandemics, Rioting and Fear
Mayan Calendar and the time of Ascension
The myth of death: Death does not happen
Eliminating fear by understanding the afterlife
The link between spirituality and Ascension
Integrating grief and bereavement
Intro to the Boxes of Knowledge – Dannion’s afterlife prophetic visions
Part 3: Accessing the Spirit World with Elizabeth Wilcock
The Near-Death Experience and death as a type of Ascension event
Ancient initiations to access the spirit world
Connecting to your spirit family
Bringing the sacred ceremonies back into the dying process
Holding space for the transition
Clearing the spiritual space
Helping the dying to connect to their guides on the other side
Piercing the veil
Week 2: Law of One and the Panoramic Life Review
Here is an overview of what is covered in this 2-part module:
Part 1: David on Law of One and Ascension with David Wilcock
History of the Law of One and Who is Ra?
What is the Confederation of Planets?
Scientific accuracy of the Law of One cosmological model
Photonic DNA Model and the Scientific Proof
The 25,000-Year Cycle of Ascension
The “Quantum Leap” as described in the Law of One series
Prophecies of the Fourth-Density Shift
Part 2: The Panoramic Life Review with Dannion Brinkley
The meaning of life and Meetings with Light Beings
The most important part of the afterlife process and “Life Flashing Before Your Eyes”
Recapitulating all your experiences for how you made others feel
Accurate viewpoint of what your life is about and why you are here
Increasing your awareness of the Ascension requirements and The strong importance of intention
Week 3: The Living Universe… and Your Part In It
Here is an overview of what is covered in this 2-part module:
Part 1: DNA Sacred Science with David Wilcock
Photons as Genetic Information Carriers (Law of One model)
Dr. Alexander Gurwitsch and Proof of Life Force
Dr. Peter Gariaev and the DNA Phantom Effect
Dr. Budakovski on Holographic Genetic Transmutation
Dr. Glen Rein on DNA and the Power of Conscious Intention
Dr. Burlakov on Life Force: The Fish Egg Experiment
Dr. Luc Montagnier and Spontaneous DNA Manifestation in Water
Science of the Light Body: Applying DNA Science to Ascension
Part 2: Your True Purpose with Dannion Brinkley
Ascension Requirements
What Difference Did You and God Make?
Accessing Higher Consciousness
Alleviating Loneliness and Helplessness
Eliminating Victim Consciousness
Your True Mission and Purpose
Who You Are and Why You Are Here
How You Choose Your Obstacles for Growth
Ascension and the Purification of the Soul
Part 3: Accessing the Cosmic Light with Elizabeth Wilcock
Taoist healing practices including the Inner Smile
Ancient Qigong practices for cultivating spiritual awareness
Activating the energy of love to heal and transform DNA
Opening up the spirit and body to the love and light of the Creator
Week 4: The Illuminati and Integrating the Shadow Side
Here is an overview of what is covered in this 2-part module:
Part 1: The Law of One Perspective of the Illuminati with David Wilcock
Law of One on the Origin of the Universe and the Veiling
Law of One on the Luciferian Force and its purpose
Law of One on the Draco Reptilians and the “Orion Confederation”
Interface between negative ETs and the planetary elites on Earth
How negative ETs create and feed on negative energy or “Loosh”
Adam Weishaupt and the “Bavarian Illuminati” in 1776
Rev. C. G. Finney Exposes the Great Masonic Revolt in America
Scope of the Problem: How the Illuminati Earns 80% of All Money on Earth
Control of MSM, governments, militaries, corporations, religions and sciences
Global Collateral Accounts and the massive bunkers of hidden gold
Why the Illuminati are authorized to exist in a loving universe
Part 2: Integrating Your Shadow Side with Dannion Brinkley
The Illuminati are a collective projection of an internal issue
The near-death experience exposes the lies behind all of our fears
We lash out at others when we have not integrated our own traumas
Eliminating our fear of death helps defeat the negative on Earth
Who you see in the mirror is a happy combination of everything you think
Developing healthy relationships through loving and appreciating yourself
Alleviating victim consciousness in all forms
Setting your intention for what you say and do each day
Understanding how your body only responds to your intention
Week 5: The Rainbow Body and the Boxes of Knowledge
Here is an overview of what is covered in this 3-part module:
Part 1: The Tibetan Rainbow Body and the Afterlife by David Wilcock
Dr. Michael Newton and the Ten Stages of the Afterlife
Scientific proof of the Near-Death Experience
The Tibetan Book of the Dead and the “Bardos”
Linking the Tibetan Bardos and Modern NDE Reports
The Tibetan practice of the Rainbow Body—transforming into pure light
160,000 documented cases of Rainbow Body activation
Images of hand and footprints from monks into solid stone
Namkhai Norbu and Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche on the Rainbow Body practices
The Principle of Seeing the Universe as “Empty Awareness”
Making Friends with Trekcho, Togal and Tigle
The Cord-Cutting Meditation
Part 2: The Boxes of Knowledge by Dannion Brinkley
Prophetic glimpses of the future seen in 1975, first published in 1994
Analysis of how these documented prophecies have come true
“The battle for the souls of humankind will be fought in healthcare”
The future of Ascension for all humankind
All prophecies express probable outcomes, not certainties
How certain Dannion prophecies thankfully did not come true
Avoiding the AI microchipped negative future timeline
The Great Lesson of How We Determine Our Own Fate
Creating a Working Relationship With Yourself
Part 3: Sacred Breathing and Movement Arts by Elizabeth Wilcock
Rooting in with the Earth
Drawing information from Source
Chi gong exercises and Ascension Dietary Practices
Shamanic and Taoist practices of cord-cutting
Identifying and eliminating toxic relationships
Journeying into the spirit world at will
Sales Page: _https://web.archive.org/web/20220223163549/https://ascensionpathoflight.com/
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