Paul Hancox – The Presell System
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Discover How To Use Pre-Selling To Sell More… Without The “Hard Sell.”
Special Report for Product Creators, Service Providers and Affiliate Marketers by Paul Hancox
If there was a system that could potentially make you more sales online, without any hard sell… and moved people closer to buying what you have to offer, until buying was the next natural and logical step…
…would you be curious to know more about it?
If so, read on… and I’ll show you my surprising discovery about making sales on the Internet.
Here’s Why You’re Throwing Away Potential Sales Right Now.
There are two main ways to make sales online.
The first is to send people directly to a sales pitch.
But unless they’ve already been “warmed up” to the offer, most people won’t buy, for several reasons:
• They have what I call their “sales shield” up, where they’re skeptical of sales pitches.
• They doubt their own ability to get the results you’ve promised.
• They might not be ready to buy yet.
If you’re sending “cold” traffic to a sales pitch, you’re probably throwing away lots of sales and commissions.
The second way to make sales online is an improvement, but still has lots of potential for lost sales.
This is where sellers and affiliates offer something for free… a “lead magnet”… to build an email list of potential customers (i.e. leads). They can send follow-up emails to their list.
The question is:
How do you know what to send, that could have the biggest impact on sales?
Most marketers don’t know the answer to this question, so they just send out a mix of content and pitches… whatever they feel like at the time.
The danger here is… people may start to tune out.
After all, emails are easy to ignore, which is why open rates often plunge… and sales along with it.
As a result, sometimes the desperate marketer sends out more and more pitches, until their list becomes a “pitchfest”… which can practically kill it dead.
The good news is, there is a much better way to make sales online.
Here’s How I Discovered The “Dirty
My name is Paul Hancox, and I’ve been marketing on the Internet since 1999.
Let Your Potential Customers Sell To Themselves!
With traditional selling, you make the case for what makes your offer distinctive… so people buy from YOU instead of your competition.
As an example, let’s say you sell durable sofa beds (sleeper sofas) guaranteed to last 10 years of daily use.
In a sales pitch you’d explain the BENEFITS of your durable sofa bed, and what this could mean for the customer:
(1) They could use it as a second bed, saving space in their home.
(2) They could use their home office space as a second bedroom.
With “pre-selling” you can flip the whole sales process on its head… and have people selling to themselves!
For example, you could create articles on “saving space in the home” or “how to use your office space as a second bedroom”… planting the IDEA of saving space, without even mentioning your product.
If people read these articles and “buy into” the idea of saving space in their home, they’re a step closer to buying.
But they’re not ready to buy just yet.
They’d still need to buy into one more idea, before they’re ready to purchase a durable sofa bed from you – that of durability.
After all, if you’re going to use a sofa bed regularly, you need it to last.
In your presell content, you wouldn’t pitch your “exquisitely designed durable sofa beds guaranteed to last ten years.” That sounds too much like a sales pitch.
Just talk about the idea of durability, and the fact that most sofa beds aren’t designed to be used regularly.
Think about it. Anyone who buys into the idea of saving space in their home, or using their home office space as a second bedroom… and also that a sofa bed needs to be durable… is now primed to buy one of YOUR durable sofa beds!
Of course, there are other issues, such as affordability.
But here’s the bottom line, which none of the traditional sales courses teach you:
People usually “buy into” ideas before they buy “stuff.”
Memorize that line, because it’s probably one of the most important things you’ll ever read, when it comes to making sales… and you heard it here first!
Of course, before you’d consider buying a durable sofa bed, you’d have to have a need or desire for one, right?
But this could start with an IDEA you had about saving space, using your main room as a bedroom, or of using your office space as a second bedroom.
The desire then comes as a result of “buying into” one of these initial ideas.
An important part of pre-selling involves selling your potential customers on the IDEAS that will lead them naturally to want your product.
This is surprisingly easy to do when you know how, and has many benefits:
(1) If you’re just talking about an idea in content, people don’t have their “sales shield” up. They can “buy into” it more easily because… it’s just an idea!
(2) When people love an idea (such as using their office space as a second bedroom)… people will often sell themselves on it.
Heck, they’ll even sell others on it. (“Honey, I’ve found a great way we can make our office space even more useful…”)
(3) I’ve discovered that for just about ANYTHING you have to offer…
…there exists a set of ideas, such that when you present those ideas in a particular sequence, and prospects “buy into” each of those ideas… buying what you have to offer becomes the next natural and logical step.
I look forward to showing you how this is done. Yet this is still just a SMALL PART of what makes pre-selling so awesome!
Let me give you one more important example of how preselling can be better than selling.
“You Can Have It All, At The Push Of A Button.” No Wonder People Are Skeptical of Sales Pitches.
Copywriters and salespeople are taught to “sell the sizzle, not the steak.”
This is NOT the foundation of a thriving business that makes you and your customers happy!
Now, this isn’t entirely the fault of copywriters and salespeople. It’s not like they actually say, “you don’t have to do anything to get results.”
But the truth is, they often emphasize QUICK, EASY RESULTS… because that’s what people want, right?
Yes it is… but that’s because copywriters and advertisers have conditioned people to think they can have everything they want, almost without lifting a finger!
In reality, most people know… deep down… that if they want results, they probably have to work for it.
This is where preselling can help you make sales that actually stick, producing grateful customers who rave about what you have to offer.
With preselling, you can sell the sizzle AND the steak.
You can help people “fall in love” with the process they need to go through to get the results… or at least help them look forward to going through it.
This is critically important, because the process is the killer for most people.
Think about all those diet plans teaching people how to lose 200 pounds in 20 days (or whatever). Face it, the DESIRE to lose weight isn’t really the problem, is it?
The problem is getting people to STICK WITH the plan!
All the documents are in PDF format, which are viewable on most computers.