KunKun Academy – Enscape Masterclass
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1. Base Model Optimization
In the first section, we will learn how to optimize existing projects in SketchUp to make our SketchUp files lightweight and free from bugs and crashes
2. Getting References
Next, in the second section, we will learn how to obtain references and why references are necessary in the rendering process.
3. Scene Camera Creation
In the third section, we will create our first scene and camera according to the chosen references.
4. Base Environment Lighting
The fourth section will discuss the application of environmental lighting in the rendering output.
5. Material System
After setting up the environmental lighting, the next step is to learn how to use materials. In this section, we will understand the functionality of materials in real life and their implementation in 3D rendering.
6. Enscape Assets
In the sixth section, we will learn the usage and configuration of Enscape assets to utilize them efficiently.
7. Custom Assets
The next stage will discuss the conversion of models from other 3D software besides SketchUp. In this section, we will learn not only about Enscape and SketchUp but also about other aspects.
8. Grass Scattering System
In the eighth stage, we will learn how to add grass elements to the scene. In this stage, we will observe how grass works in real life through original references.
9. Environment Detailing – Part 1
The ninth stage will focus on detailing and placement of trees and other environmental elements. In this stage, we will also refine the lighting from the previous environment.
10. Environment Detailing – Part 2
Continuing the environment details
11. Still & Animation Setup
In the final stage, we will learn how to create animations and discuss the rendering system in Enscape.
12. Advanced: Camera and Composition Knowledge
In this first advanced stage, we will delve into and study techniques for capturing interesting images and compositions. In this section, we will explore the perspective of a photographer when capturing intriguing camera angles.
13. Advanced: Creating Beauty Shoots
The second stage will discuss how to find and create beauty shoot camera setups. Additionally, we will learn various techniques that will be useful during photoshoots.
14. Advanced: Interior Setup
In the third stage, we will learn how to create captivating interior scenes. In this stage, we will study styling techniques for interiors that will enhance their visual appeal.
15. Advanced: Lighting Composition
Moving on to the fourth stage, we will learn how to create well-arranged lighting setups that can produce visually engaging images for viewers.
16. Advanced: Batch Import From Any Model to Enscape
In the fifth stage, we will explore how to convert models in bulk. Additionally, we will learn about various software and 3D plugins that are useful for skill development.
17. Advanced: Scene Breakdown
And after learning all the steps, in the final stage, we will dissect various scene rendering cases, and we will also try to implement them into our own projects.
18. Making Movie Tutorial: Getting References
Finding the right references to facilitate work is very important. Here’s an example of how Ritz Carlton can inspire us in developing a movie.
19. Making Movie Tutorial: Davinci Resolve Interface
Getting to know the interface of Davinci Resolve, creating a new project, setting up the FPS, and understanding the timeline.
20. Making Movie Tutorial: Importing Movie
Inserting clips from a collection of movies and pre-made music, managing the timeline, and getting familiar with simple transitions.
21. Making Movie Tutorial: Finding Music
Finding music, creating an engaging storyline, and managing clips to keep them organized.
22. Making Movie Tutorial: Edit Clip using Music
Compiling the movie, incorporating music, sound effects, speed ramps, and transitions into the entirety of the existing clips.
23. Making Movie Tutorial: Cut Music Duration
Find video stock to support the mood and already made clips. Take a look at popular website to get the video without copyright issues.
24. Making Movie Tutorial: Simple Transition
Getting to know Lift, Gamma, Gain, Offset, Curve, and other color grading tools, including the node editor.
25. Making Movie Tutorial: Finding Video Stock Footages
Creating a custom color selector, utilizing Window Color Correction, gradients, and applying Resolve FX Pro Color Correction (Lensflare, Blur, Chromatic Aberration).
26. Making Movie Tutorial: Basic Color Grading
Generating keyframes for motion, transformation, and color changes, and employing simple fusion keyframing techniques.
27. Making Movie Tutorial: Advanced Color Grading
Learning how to blend one clip into another, placing a bird in the sky, and adjusting masking keyframes.
28. Making Movie Tutorial: Color Grading Implementation
Inserting Title Text, Lower Thirds, Subtitles, and advanced motion text.
29. Making Movie Tutorial: Organizing Media Appearance
30. Making Movie Tutorial: Keyframe 1 – Simple Transformation Keyframe
31. Making Movie Tutorial: Keyframe 2 – Keyframe Using Fusion
32. Making Movie Tutorial: Keyframe 3 – Color Keyframe
33. Making Movie Tutorial: Keyframe 4 – Masking Keyframe Using Color Tab
34. Making Movie Tutorial: Compositing – Insert Birds
35. Making Movie Tutorial: Text & Export Video
Sales Page:_https://www.kunkunmasterclass.com/course/enscape-masterclass